Unfortunately, the mountain tourism did not take after what it deserves the attention and does not benediction with the necessary care, despite the fact that it occupied the mountain within the system of natural exceed 21% of the area of Morocco, and in spite of that, the tourism projects shall not be granted for Tourism mountain but proportions are very weak was the reason is that chose Morocco within his choices Alastruthristih for tourism as the most important sectors of the economy newborn, chose attention mainly coastal tourism and cultural heritage tourism is based, in light of the marginalization almost entirely for tourism mountain and that it was possible that in turn form a lever for local economic development and opportunity for the interest in rural areas and Saknth which mostly suffering from extreme poverty also indicate that many of the well-known statistics.
Despite the attempt of the state and international partners, interest in establishing a vision for the rehabilitation of the rural world through the project DERRO 1961 and interested in the rural West, what was posed this region from being the focus may affect threaten the political stability of the system, this project did not achieve most of its objectives and continued to the region suffering under The brunt of marginalization and poverty, along with all the mountain areas classified as Morocco is beneficial and which do not menstruate Baltvath Avenue and integrated, stayed a range of areas, the potential of tremendous natural and charming, but living under the poverty and ignorance and distance from the minimum conditions of civilization and a decent living.
Despite some modest efforts promoted by the attention within those areas, and the repositioning is still deplorable and regret.
It is enough that you visit to one of the villages in the jungles or mountains Azilal Taza rugged, and generally all rural areas of tourism, to prove to you the degree of marginalization of these beautiful areas and the poor Onasha good.
Hahn area "Boiblan" towering mountains and distinctive Bathelaj extended along the six months of the year, a period may not reached many areas in the French mountains, here is this charming area with enormous potential that lies in a forgotten wasteland, as if there is no country on the map , while the state could be exploited cleverly creation station Ski and strengthen initiatives to establish shelters and encourage tourism and sport mountains, and is what will provide opportunities to fill the job and lift many families out of poverty and need and can of isolation it creates what must of structures infrastructure of roads and paths and equipment essential for the rehabilitation of these areas tourism.

Compounding is the development of tourism mountain in these areas is what we stood upon during the procedure some field research on the area Boiblan for example, after the extrapolation of the situation and contact and communicate with some of the actors civilians and those concerned with tourism in the region, was found with deep regret that there is a serious problem in the management of tourism development the mountainous region by political actors and state institutions, as it is still marginalization continues even at the administrative level as it is not available Taza despite her qualifications huge tourist on the Delegation for Tourism, and still poverty and underdevelopment pervasive evidenced by the conditions of concrete, but the area Boiblan known as a retreat from the colonial period while the Mount Boiblan station energetic Ski but vandalized later became deserted yesterday if he had not done away with?
It has become and what a mockery the headquarters for a group of village and some other administrative facilities of the state, and the only reminder of the logic of the deal that is not limited in the group Boiblan alone, but includes rural communities other qualifications natural and promising tourism thriving as a community Barkin forgotten as well as several other areas of not less splendor, but does not seem to be the official media puts it within Ojindath.
Thus if, continues the series of marginalization and exclusion of these areas strangely Shrugged and the signal even tourist areas known active even seasonally limited to spring and summer, and some stations in the winter, these picturesque areas remain lacking infrastructures of roads and sanitation and transport and sufficient illumination, as well as the superstructure of equipment essential, as the visitor finds major embarrassment for example, about the lack of sanitary toilets specifications are acceptable, the equipment that guarantee a minimum of comfort and enjoy nature, there is provided according to their abilities and their potential Statistics only the locals, where they try to turn a profit some intake and if seasonally adjusted, and problems within the teething problems experienced by those pristine picturesque tourist sites, the problem of hygiene and waste management, arriving with great you know those areas with climate refreshing favorite for its water and clean air are nice, especially in summer, it seems hygiene problem aggravated to the extent that rife there. It shows you from afar situ beautiful trees towering green lush mountains and branches high among freshwater Boukrerha comforting ear to last that Symphony natural fun, but once you penetrate a little bit in the woods and in the details of location is nice if you're a fan of walking and you have some curiosity, you will discover the views of shocking a piles of garbage and waste harmless to eyes sad fatal heart for the environment, even pure water does not disturb the serenity of receipt Balgarorat plastic and metal cans and a variety of other wastes.
That if some features disturbing that as long as we have observed into explorer and lover of nature and the environment, but also into a researcher interested in natural heritage rich in our country, which unfortunately risk of being marginalized strange and environmental degradation which threatens this heritage by serious problems will negatively affect the future generations and that have not committed sin.
And in this case, what is required is to pay attention urgent for this inherited natural that granted us by God, and interest in him and as well as pay attention to the people who inhabit these spaces and inhabit them, they are the guarantee continuity pulse of life, and duty also to researchers in the field of heritage in general and Heritage natural particular and interested and jealous on our environment and our nature and beautiful on the future and present generations of people who suffer from social and economic marginalization and are the center of Jinan on the ground?
Required of all these and those, that leap to save this heritage and to sensitize the population and citizens in general need to preserve it, and the orientation of the views of responsible and put it over the responsibility to the seriousness of the situation, and harness the scientific research and the concerns of civil partnership with the state and its organs in order to save the natural heritage and the rehabilitation of those sites and maintain the environment in the direction of attracting more visitors and lovers of mountain tourism and natural village, which will ensure the development of locally relevant and save the natural heritage of the mountainous areas and exquisite beauty for generations to come.
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