Lead us chance sometimes to discover the tourist sites fantastic between the tops of the mountains and dense forests and amid the flowing water in the form of a romantic nature celebratory did not contribute to the media - enough - to publicize it and thus lure tourists national or foreign visit and Altmla the greatness of the Almighty Creator who made us, creating shadow and make us Oknana mountains.
North series Middle Atlas mountains, and at an altitude of 1980 m above sea level stands Mount Tazakh towering guarding park outweigh the area of 12000 hectares of trees forested diverse notably cedar trees and cork oak and punctuated by rivers and valleys and waterfalls flowing and caverns and caves bore the hallmarks of the old man who dwelt these circumstances areas and news reefs and adapt to climate and topography and baited fauna in a struggle for survival, as required by the laws of nature and wildlife.

Access to the park entrance to the courtyard of the break Tazakh a chance to take a break under the shade
Cork trees, lush, and the status of water and forests can get additional information about the history of the park and its objectives and the emergence of protected and forestry development strategy in the region.
Creation of this national park is due to the year 1950, its original purpose was to protect existing natural resources summit of Mount Tazakh especially distinct type of cedar trees called (will examine Atalnteka), after it was expanded area of the park is gradually added to other functions, including resettlement of some animals that were in It is on its way to extinction "mouflon" and "deer" as a pure asset animals and breed. And we could not previewed for Admtoglna in the woods and being taken the necessary precautions to stay away from the eyes Adamic lurking, and this gesture commendable because many of the animals that were living forests of the Middle Atlas lion, leopard no longer exist except in the zoo because of the combination of several natural factors and human contributed these animals can become just a memory in the elderly who are still alive.

In the scientific aspect of the park is considered a laboratory for ecological and genetic research on plant and animal diversity and ecosystem and from here, following field trips for students and researchers, and to this end it established a center for monitoring and surveillance.
Enters the National Park Tazakh in orbit an attractive tourist from Taza through Bmgarh Avery and Collapse and Sidi forced the door Bodir a center of summer is available on the camp a collective pool public, restaurants, cafes and some of the necessary facilities, then mount Tazakh which culminates in these circumstances tour, but who wants to enjoy the beauty of nature and the air fresh net and practice a hobby of hiking amid forests and waterfalls, valleys and why not Alastguar if you are a fan of adventure, Fdeddamoarat province of Taza approximately 120 cave even named Taza capital commandos, and formed associations are interested in this field, the one day is not enough for it, has constructed Maui tourist from party Amazigh people of the region to ensure the provision of accommodation and services required for nature lovers and explorers and adventurers Moroccans and foreigners and their number is increasing.
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